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Kuo Wang (王阔)

I am currently a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University. Prior to this, I earned my PhD from the Department of Computing at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2022. Additionally, I received my bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from the Department of Electronic Information and Engineering at the same institution in 2014.

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  • 03/2022, One paper have been submitted to TPAMI.
  • Projects

  • Face Recognition Security
  • We would like to develop a new framework to address the face anti‑spoofing problem or presentation attack in our real application. The depth information is recovered using physical law with a single camera and projector. The material is further analyzed with the bidirectional reflectance distribution function.


    I'm interested in devleoping deep learning models and different computer vision algorithms to addressing the biometrics problems including iris recognition, face recognition, face antispoofing.

    Conference Papers:

    1. Identifying humans by matching their left palmprint with right palmprint images using convolutional neural network
      Ajay Kumar, Kuo Wang
      First Int. Workshop on Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition 2016 | paper

    Journal Papers:

    1. Periocular-Assisted Multi-Feature Collaboration for Dynamic Iris Recognition
      Kuo Wang, Ajay Kumar
      IEEE TIFS 2021 | paper

    2. Toward More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Dilated Residual Features
      Kuo Wang, Ajay Kumar
      IEEE TIFS 2020 | paper

    3. Cross-spectral iris recognition using CNN and supervised discrete hashing
      Kuo Wang, Ajay Kumar
      Pattern Recognition 2018 | paper


  • Program Committee Members of AsianHOST 2023.

  • Journal Reviewers of IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-IFS, IEEE T-CSVT, IEEE T-BIOM, etc.

  • Conference Reviewers of CVPR 2022, ECCV 2022, IJCB 2022, ICCV 2021, CVPR 2021, CVPR 2020 (Outstanding Reviewer), CVPR 2019, etc.

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